Car Repair & Service

A1 Auto Care – Premium Auto Services by A1 Autokeskus

We Welcome All Car Makes and Models!

A1 Auto Care, a proud division of A1 Autokeskus, offers professional, high-quality automotive care for all types of vehicles.
Our services include maintenance, repairs, and tire services for passenger cars, SUVs, and vans.

We primarily use B-category spare parts, which are more affordable than original parts but offer comparable quality and durability. At your request, we can also install original manufacturer parts.

Our workshop is equipped with state-of-the-art tools, and our skilled professionals ensure your vehicle receives top-notch care. We keep you informed about any issues discovered during the service and provide the best solutions to ensure your driving experience remains safe and worry-free.

Regular maintenance is essential to monitor your car’s condition, prevent unexpected costly repairs, and keep your vehicle in optimal working order for years to come.

Visit A1 Auto Care today and experience the quality of our services firsthand!

Bring Your Vehicle in for Service!

A1 Autohooldus OÜ
Salve 2, Tallinn, 11612

Registry Code: 14288157
VAT No: EE101985707

We’re Open:
Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat & Sun: By Appointment

Contact Us:
Phone: +372 6581238 / +372 5084878

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 Teenus   Hind
Remonttööde tunnihind 43.00 EUR
(veakoodide lugemine)
 55.00 EUR
Ostu eelne või järgne kontroll 69.00 EUR
Esisilla kontroll ja reguleerimine 65.00 EUR
Kliimaseadme süsteemi
kontroll ja täitmine
 59.00 EUR
 4 rehvi täisvahetus al. 40.00 EUR
 Rehvi remont al. 10.00 EUR
Parkimistasu A1 Autohoolduse territooriumil
1 päev
 10.00 EUR

Hinnad sisaldavad 22% käibemaksu.



Leasing offer in couple of days. We work with all major leasing providers.